Dingo Rocks Project
The Dingo Rocks Project comprises a wholly owned Exploration Licence located 600 km east-southeast of Perth, Western Australia (Figure 1). The Project occurs within the Albany-Fraser Orogen proximal to the southeastern margin of the Yilgarn Craton.

Results from Mineral 260’s maiden air-core drill program at the Dingo Rocks Project in WA confirmed that ultramafic units were intersected at three ‘bullseye’ magnetic targets (Figure 3), with broad zones of elevated nickel recorded at two of the targets including values up to 6,030ppm Ni (see ASX release 11th December 2023 for full list of results).

Mafic units were intersected in several holes across coincident magnetic/gravity targets, further supporting the hypothesis that the project contains rock types prospective for Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements (Ni-Cu-PGE) mineralisation (Figure 3).
Anomalous zones of gold were intersected in holes DRAC0069 and DRAC0082, which returned results of 12m @73ppb Au from 16m, including 4m @128ppb Au from 20m (DRAC0069), and 8m @58ppb Au from 36m (DRAC0082). High-grade saprolite-hosted rare earth mineralisation was intersected in multiple holes across all targets, with peak results of up to 4,506ppm Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) and 1,423ppm Neodymium and Praseodymium (Nd and Pr), 30 holes (~21% of the total holes drilled) returning results >500ppm TREO (Figures 2 and 4).

The AC drilling program, which comprised 144 AC holes for 5,030m, targeted previously untested coincident magnetic/gravity anomalies interpreted to indicate possible mafic-ultramafic intrusions prospective for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation. The drilling program also assessed the potential for clay-hosted Rare Earth Element (REE) mineralisation, similar to that discovered on adjacent tenements held by other parties (Figure 5).
Future Work
Planning is already underway for the next phase of exploration at Dingo Rocks.
Proposed work includes: AC drilling in the south-west of the tenement targeting further gold and base metals mineralisation; Ground Electromagnetic (EM) surveys across mafic/ultramafic units defined by the AC drilling and interpreted to be prospective for sulphide related Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation and interpretation of petrographic analysis of drill chips to assist with understanding the bedrock geology.
Readers should refer to the latest ASX releases for the latest results and planned work programs.