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Minerals 260’s strategy is focused on exploring for critical minerals to create value for shareholders

Project Overview
Project Summaries
As announced on 14 January 2025, the Company executed binding documentation to acquire 100% of the Bullabulling Gold Project from Norton Gold Fields Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. See ASX announcement link:
Bullabulling presents a potential open pit mining opportunity located 25 km south-west of Coolgardie in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. The Project hosts a JORC 2012 RPEEE reportable MRE of 60Mt @ 1.2g/t Au for 2.3Moz of gold (Indicated and Inferred) on granted mining leases (M15/503, 15/1414, M15/282, M15/554 and M15/552) and is located within a largely contiguous 127sq km tenement package. Bullabulling offers significant exploration upside, with multiple highly prospective targets at depth and along strike, which could support the plan to grow the mineral resource further and will be a focus of exploration drilling by the Company.
The 100%-owned Moora Project is located ~150km north-east of Perth in the highly prospective Julimar Province of Western Australia, where drilling has confirmed the potential exceptional scale of the mineral system at Moora, with potential to delineate an economic copper-gold Mineral Resource Estimate across the Mynt and Angepena targets.
Aston lithium and rare earths project is located in the Gascoyne province of Western Australia is a largely contiguous ~1,700km2 of granted tenure in one of Australia’s most active exploration provinces where we are exploring for lithium and rare earth elements.
Dingo Rocks Base and Precious Metals Project, located in the Albany Fraser Range region of Western Australia. This project has potential for mafic-ultramafic intrusions identified by regional aeromagnetic data and prospective for nickel, copper and PGE mineralisation.
The “260” in the company name represents the combined atomic number of the 5 metals (gold, platinum, palladium, nickel and copper) that will be the Company’s primary exploration focus.
Minerals 260’s objective is to discover and develop highly profitable, stand alone precious and base metal projects. It will do this by employing the best people and applying systematic, scientific exploration techniques to its tenement portfolio.